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Small Reflections

Today simply I will talk of a potpourri of things because are many the feeling when a think in how my semester has been. In this last time (last semester) my life has been many change rather I have has new forms of seen the world and the people around me. Testimonies of friends have made realize me that the things that I thought were not so right (feminism, equity). Product of this, I am still in process of internal replacement. Also, I thought that this would be a semester relatively easy in the academic field because I would have fours subjects, but I wrong has been a semester full of challenges and the free time has been little. I wanted to start doing a awareness with my closest environment around the urgent topics of the society (reading, attending meeting of the theme)  but all has become hard by the little time that leaves me the university. Nevertheless, despite all of the above I have learned to say no, to know that I should not always do everything and many times I mus

Últimas entradas

Beloved food

The Church in crisis

Databases for knowledge

Men and women are different?

My little great adventure

Abortion, in these days

What is my favourite piece of technology?

Why did I choose to study Odontology?

My Biography

I`m ready to write